Today is 4-10-06 and i didnt get much sleep last night. Tiggy was il and it was sunday so i had to drive her to perdue vets in westville she spent the night and i got her at 7:30 am and took her to dr heckler at lake station pet clinic where she is now.Tiggy has a large tumor by her spleen and the dr explained that the outcome on this is not good.Her body is not making new blood like it should.Im so upset and just dont know what to do and i hope i can keep myself together.this is not unexpected and i knew i would have to face something like this someday but put it in the back of my mind,this is the hardest thing i have had to deal with in my lifetime.I have a very hard call on what i must do next and i pray to god for some guidance, im simply all tore up inside and am having a hard time keeping my composure.Life without my little sweetheart Tiggy is unimaginable for me.I love the flowers in the yard in summer with her at my side they were beautifull but i dont think i will plant any without Tiggy to enjoy them with me.Today is the saddest day i have have ever had to face.TODAY is 4-29-06 and Tiggy is doing a bit better Her & I are getting used to giving her her medcine,water,food,etc and we will make the most of our time left together.TODAY is 5-4-06 My Seetie Tiggy can hardly walk and i am doing all i can to care for her till she passes.In times like this i makes you fully relize just how helpless we are at times.TODAY is Friday May 5th 2006 and tonight at 9:35 pm my dearest baby died.She was next to me and passed with very little pain.I cleaned her up and brushed her hair real nice and layed her on her pillow then wrapped her in her baby blanket and put her by the heater in the living room her favorite place in the house.I took several pictures of her and told her seepie now seetie and at 7:30 in the morning i buried her in the back yard next to one of her favorite spots.I told her how very much i loved her and how she made the 16 years we were together the best years in my life and also said a prayer for her and me.