Hi this is Norm from Lake Station,Indiana and welcome to my blog.There is much to be had here if you have the time...Thank You for viewing my Blogger website.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Here is a nice set of pictures of our family
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Another qsl i made several years ago.
Here is a homade qsl card one of many i have made over the years.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
these two pictures are of Tiggy in the summer of 2004.She is 14 now and My Little Sweety.
Today was 70 % and i got some flowers transplanted and fertilized the yard and my my.. my daffodils are just about to flower and are so pretty.I have all my flower pots empty and refilled with good black dirt but april 15th is not here yet!Now im off to hunt & pounce some DX...Oh.. K9HUY had to catch me for our sked on 17 meters!
The club meeting last night went well and i thought that Gary Kb9olz did rather well for his 1st meeting as club president.We all went out and had pizza afterward and talked etc.I had a nice time.
I Am ``THE REAL HAM``I Am 72 Year`s Young and Have Lived In Lake Station For 68 Year`s and in This House For 44 1/2 Year`s.I Love Amature Radio and Am Very Radioactive And If You Would Like To Become A Ham Radio Operator This Is You`re Lucky Day Because Im A VE With The American Radio Relay League And Am One Of The Guy`s Here Localy Who Administer The Test For Getting You`re Amatuer Radio License.On This Page and My Blog Site You Will Find Link`s To My Other Website`s You Are Encouraged To Browse A Little There If You Should So Desire...
i have lived in lake station which was east gary all my life and this is my home town.